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NEW: SYKETTÄ one-month sticker

20.12.2021 klo 11:10

One month sticker is for you, if you only stay in the city for a little while or don’t want to commit to the whole season. The price of the one-month sticker is 15 euros and it includes all the SYKETTÄ services, eg. group classes, gyms, ball sports and ice hockey. SYKETTÄ one-month sticker is […]

Finnish Student Alpine Championships 29 January 2022

9.12.2021 klo 14:09

Next year’s Finnish Student Alpine Championships will be held on 29th of January 2022. You can participate on this competition with some of the following competition forms: Slalom – skis/snowboard/telemark. There will be comp...

Opening hours for Christmas and New Year

8.12.2021 klo 10:05

Check here, when the sport facilities are open during the holidays! Studentia: 23.12. open from 7.00 am and the doors will be locked at 14, you must leave the facilities at latest 15.00 pm. 24.- 25.12. closed26.12. gym...

Fitness tests on 13.12. in Kuopio-halli

19.11.2021 klo 15:49

SYKETTÄ Kuopio offers a chance for all members of the university community in Kuopio to take part in a fitness test! You can choose between a Cooper test (12 minutes of non-stop running) or UKK-institute 6 minutes walk testi ...

Bottoms up!

7.10.2021 klo 08:09

What is Bottoms Up? The idea of Bottoms Up is to decrease sitting time and increase physical activity among the students and staff members on Kuopio campuses. We strive to improve study and work capabilities and improve o...
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