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NEW: SYKETTÄ one-month sticker

Kirjoitettu: 20.12.2021 11:10

One month sticker is for you, if you only stay in the city for a little while or don’t want to commit to the whole season. The price of the one-month sticker is 15 euros and it includes all the SYKETTÄ services, eg. group classes, gyms, ball sports and ice hockey.

SYKETTÄ one-month sticker is valid for one calendar month. For example January sticker is valid 1.–31.1., no matter when you purchase it. With one-month sticker you can participate in the courses that you can enroll on at the time you have a valid one-month sticker. It doesn’t matter if the course lasts longer than your sticker is valid. With one-month sticker you cannot purchase a seasonal ticket to City of Kuopio gyms!

Notice that one-month sticker is valid only in Kuopio so you cannot use SYKETTÄ Joensuu services with one-month sticker.

One-month sticker is usable only with the SYKETTÄ mobile app. There is no physical sticker for your student or staff card available.

Read more about prices and places where you can buy the sticker in here.
