Online wellness for you on 7.10.
Kirjoitettu: 7.10.2020 10:15
Group classes
Join classes via Zoom! You don’t need to enroll beforehand, just click the Zoom link below. All the classes are held behind that same link. Remember to keep your mic and video when entering the class!
Klo 12-12.45: Relaxation, instructor: Marianna
Klo 13-13.55: Yoga, instructor Lisa
Klo 14-14.55: Zumba, instructor Marcela
Klo 15-15.55: Bodyweight training, instructor Jenni
Lectures in Finnish
Lectures about nutrition and wellness are also held in Zoom, but you have to enroll. These are only in Finnish! You can get more information in Finnish and enroll via these links:
– Ilmoittaudu ravitsemusluennolle tästä
– Ilmoittaudu hyvinvointiluennolle tästä