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Sport event

Water sports


Place Spa Rauhalahti (Katiskaniementie 8, 70700 Kuopio)
Date and time 27.4.2015 at 17:00 - 17:45
Type Light / Body overhaul
Instructor Rauhalahti Spa
Participants 4 / 20
More information Water Sports at the Rauhalahti spa!
Now there is available traditional, low threshold sports surrounded by water. This instructed exercise done in the water is suitable for everyone despite your age, condition or size. Exercise done in the water is soft and effective.

Water sports is diverse sports type. The good thing is that you can adjust your power by making exercises slower or quickly. Welcome to try this sport!

Your sticker will be checked in Rauhalahti Spa reception, people there will guide you to right place. With SYKETTÄ-sticker you can go and do this water exercise (45 minutes). If you want, you can also buy a one time spa-ticket which gives you the right to visit Spa little bit longer.


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