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Sport event

Badminton - courts 1-7, Sports afternoon


Place Studentia (Yliopistonranta 15, 70200 Kuopio)
Date and time 13.2.2024 at 12:00 - 12:55
Type Event
Participants 7 / 7
More information When you enroll for the turn, you book one of the badminton courts for your use. When you arrive pick the court which is free. You can play singles or doubles game. Remember to take your own badminton racket.

Remember to cancel your registration at the latest 24 hours before the event unless another day is mentioned in the event description. Cancellation is possible via the sports calendar on the SYKETTÄ website's front page, in the same way as registration. Failure to cancel or late cancellation will result in a €10 fee. When you register for the event, you agree to the cancellation fee policy.


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You can cancel enrollment no later than 24 hours before the event.

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