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Sport event

Stairs and uphills in Puijo


Place Puijo Ski Stadium (Suurmäentie 85, 70200 Kuopio)
Date and time 27.9.2016 at 17:30 - 18:25
Instructor Tiitta Raatikainen
Participants 10 / 10
More information We get together at the beginning of the class next to the service building of Puijo Stadium.

In this class we will do different kind of exercises either on the stairs or on the hills. There will also be some body weight training or training in the "forest gym" which you can find near Puijo ski jumping hills.

You can participate this class if you are able to move yourself on stairs and hills. Even if you are used to do a lots of aerobic workout, we are sure you will get some new ideas. Please, don’t be shy to participate! :)

We will train until the autumn break, 11.10. is the last class.


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