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Sport event

SYKETTÄ goes Christmas: Basketball


Place Studentia (Yliopistonranta 15, 70200 Kuopio)
Date and time 10.12.2018 at 17:00 - 17:55
Type Open ballsports
Leader Teemu Sorsa
Participants 13 / 16
More information SYKETTÄ goes Christmas for every SYKETTÄ-user who wants to play basketball. Welcome to play despite your own physical condition or activity with basketball. The most important thing is open mind and enthusiasm towards the game! You will find balls Studentia sports hall. There is section 3 in use for this turn at the Studentia.

NOTICE! Remember to enroll for the turn. We controll the utilization rate on the strength of number of enrolls.


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You can cancel enrollment no later than 2 hours before the event.

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