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Sport event



Place Opistotie (Opistotie 2, 70200 Kuopio)
Date and time 14.2.2019 at 18:05 - 18:50
Leader Sinita Räsänen
Participants 5 / 25
More information On Valentine's day 14.2. you can bring your friend to this class even if they don't have the SYKETTÄ sticker! Your friend must be a student or staff member in one of Kuopio's universities. Your friend doesn't need to enroll for the class.
When you want to get results with your training, apart from training hard you should also take care of body care. In this 45 min body care class we do exercises which help with tense muscles, strengthen stability muscles and add mobility. In the beginning of the class we’ll do a short warm up and the rest of the time we use to these body care exercises.


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