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Sport event

Badminton - court 6, sports afternoon


Place Studentia (Yliopistonranta 15, 70200 Kuopio)
Date and time 1.3.2022 at 12:00 - 12:55
Type Event
Participants 1 / 1
More information When you enroll for the turn, you book one of the badminton courts for your use only. The courts are numbered. Please look here the numbers of the courts:

If you are late more than 10 minutes. you will lose your reservation.

There is 7 courts in use for badminton in Studentia sports hall in the sections 1 to 3. You can find the nets and poles for the nets from Studentia. There are also couple of rackets.

The person, who books the turn, is in charge of the court and he/she will ask for a friend to play with. Everyone who comes for the turn has to have a valid SYKETTÄ-sticker.

Remember good hygiene:
- Wash your hands before going to class
- Clean the borrowed equipment after the class
- Remember to keep safe distance
- Don't come to the class if you feel sick
- Sneeze to your sleeve

Please remember that you are exercising with your own risk. Follow all the safety regulations.


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You can cancel enrollment no later than 1 hours before the event.

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