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Sport event

Open trial: Evening relaxation45', in Finnish


Place Snellmania tatami-mat (Yliopistonranta 8, 70210 Kuopio)
Date and time 12.10.2022 at 18:10 - 18:55
Type Get to know
Leader Merja Räsänen
Participants 5 / 8
More information This class is instructed in Finnish.
We keep these open trials on Wed 7.9., 21.9. and 12.10. 26.10., 9.11., 23.11.

If you come before 18:00 use the Snellmania main door or if you come after 18:00 knock the door C.

There are many relaxation methods and muscle, breathing and mental relaxation are one kinds of types.
This lesson is used to relax the mind with either a forest or a lake landscape. Relaxation aims to make you see landscapes and images in your mind according to the instructor´s suggestions
and to be able to empathize with them. Everyone can feel by own way.
Imagination can also be called to make a journey in your own subconscious.
The aim of relaxation is to balance the mind and body, and thereby release physical and mental tension.

The benefits of relaxation; to low blood pressure and heart rate, breathing calms down, memory and concentration are improved, learning becomes more efficient and the amount of stress hormones decreases.

Take a time and enjoy relaxation!

You need wool socks and relax wear. Please take warm clothes with you. You can also take a pillow with you or make a pillow from your clothes.

Instructor: Relaxation couch Merja Räsänen


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