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Sport event

Bus to Kasurila and Tahko, sports afternoon


Place Outdoor sports area (Ei määritelty, Ei määritelty Ei määritelty)
Date and time 21.2.2023 at 12:00 - 18:00
Type Event
Instructor Sirpa Risto
Participants 11 / 50
More information Tahko: Gather a bunch of people and enjoy a day of downhill skiing or other winter activities at Tahko. Shared bus ride costs 5€/person and all participants are responsible for booking and paying their own activities.

Kasurila: Like at Tahko, there are plenty of fun winter activities to do at Kasurila. For example you can go skiing, downhill skiing or maybe spend the day on sledding hill. Shared bus ride costs 5€/person and all participants are responsible for booking and paying their own activities.

How to get to Kasurila and Tahko? The bus ride to Tahko via Kasurila and back to Kuopio costs 5€/person. Enrolling for the bus ride must be done at latest 15th of February at 4pm.

Departure: on 21.2. at first at 12.00 o`clock next to Microteknia maindoors (A doors) and 12.10 o`clock in front of Snellmania.

Return: The bus ride back to Kuopio leaves from Tahko at 17.00 o`clock and from Kasurila at 17.45 o`clock.

Recipient of the payment: Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta
Account number: FI31 5600 0520 1033 78
Reference: 9014
Due date: 20.2.2023
Amount: 5 euros

Remember to cancel the class on time if you can’t participate!
You can cancel the class at the 20.2.
You can cancel the class via SYKETTÄ Sports calendar the same way you have enrolled for the event, or from the “own enrollments” link in top of the web page.
When you enroll, you agree to our practice with the cancellation.

What if I get sick?
– If you let us know before the event starts, it’s okay!
– If you let us know only afterwards or when the event has already started, please deliver us a sick leave certificate or pay the cancellation fine 10 €.


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You can cancel enrollment no later than 144 hours before the event.

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