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SYKETTÄ in summer 2022

Kirjoitettu: 4.5.2022 12:38

Instructed group classes 16.5.–19.6. and 15.–28.8.

During the summer we will enjoy the sun and fresh air – the summer classes take place outside Studentia and in the slopes of Puijo. The ballsports sticker is now also a group class sticker – you can join the summer classes with either of the stickers!

Summer classes during 15.–28.8.

How does this work?

Ball sport turns

Studentia in June and July

On August Studentia sports hall is open: updated later


Studentia: June, July and August

Snellmania: June, July and August

Kunnonsali and KuoFit gym shifts

Kunnonsali and KuoFit gym shifts: Remember to book your shift via the sports calendar!

Borrowing sports equipment

You can borrow sports equipment for free from ISYY office until 16th of June during opening hours. During 20th of June and 31st of July you can borrow sports equipment from Studentia Porters on Mondays and Thursdays between 10–11 am and 3–4 pm. The sports equipment can be borrowed for one week at a time and you must return equipment during the borrowing hours. Check the list of sports equipment here.

On 23th of June the Studentia doors are open until 13 pm so equipment can be borrowed during 10-11 am. On 24th of June Studentia sports hall is closed.

Summer offers from partners

I don’t have a SYKETTÄ sticker, what to do?

If you don’t have the sticker yet, buy the ball sports spring 2022 -sticker (17 euros) to use all our services during the summer. The sticker is valid until 31.8.22! Our webshop is always open and you can have a mobile sticker in SYKETTÄ Kuopio mobile application. You can enroll to the classes as soon as you buy the sticker.

You can also get ready for the next academic year and buy sticker for autumn 2022 or academic year 22-23! The stickers are sold starting from 1.6. and they are valid from that day on, so you can use also the summer sport services.
