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SYKETTÄ Info-Letter 03/2015

Kirjoitettu: 30.3.2015 15:48

 SYKETTÄ Info-Letter 03/2015

Sunny greetings from SYKETTÄ sport services!

SYKETTÄ inform:
1) Opening hours in Eastern and The First of May
2) Sport courses, getting to know –classes, extras
3) Please give us feedback

SYKETTÄ remind: Please remember to cancel your enrollment to group classes if you are not able to come.

Do you already like us on Facebook? www.facebook.com/sykettasavilahdella

1) Opening hours in Eastern and The First of May

Eastern 2.-7.4.2015

Thursday 2.4. and Tuesday 7.4: No instructed group classes in our own and our partners facilities.

Studentia opening hours:
– Thursday 2.4. 7:00-19:00 Regular shifts and open ballsports are kept normally, the gym is open
– Friday 3.4. – CLOSED
– Monday 6.4. 12:00-20:00, the gym is open
– Tuesday 7.4. 7:00-19:00. Regular shifts and open ballsports are kept normally, the gym is open

Opistotie opening hours are normal:
– Monday-Friday 7:00-21:00, Saturday-Sunday 9:00-21:00
– Saunas are not warm from Friday 3.4. to Monday 6.4.

NOTICE! KUTOP Bookshop is closed at the Opistotie between 30.3.2015 and 6.4.2015.

The First of May 30.4.-1.5.2015

Thursday 30th of April – Friday 1st of May: No instructed group classes in our own and our partners facilities.

Studentia opening hours:
– Thursday 30.4. 7:00-16:00 Regular shifts and open ballsports are kept normally, the gym is open
– Friday 1.5. – CLOSED

Opistotie opening hours are normal:
– Monday-Friday 7:00-21:00, Saturday-Sunday 9:00-21:00
– Saunas are not warm from Thursday 30th to Friday 1st of May

2) Sport courses, getting to know new sports and extras

CrossFit course for beginners

What: CrossFit course for beginners
When: SAT-SUN 18.-19.4.2015 at 14.00-18.00 (8 x 60 min.)
Where: CrossFit Kuopio (Itkonniemenkatu 29) Price: 90 euros (norm. 140€) including a membership for the next four weeks. Payment information will be sent by e-mail.

Enrollment: Enroll before 4.4.2015. The course is realized when the maximum number of participants, 12 people, have enrolled.
More information and enroll via this link: https://sykettä.fi/kuopio/sport-event/?id=14180

 Tahko Winter ExtremeRun

Challenge yourself and your friends into a funny and energetic running event!

Tahko Winter ExteremRun will be held in 11.4.2015.
The cost is with SYKETTÄ sticker only 40e.
More information and enrollments: https://sykettä.fi/kuopio/sport-event/?id=13995

SYKETTÄ juoksuun – running school

Come to enjoy the spirit of running at the SYKETTÄ – running school, where you will get running tutoring from proffesionals. The school starts with theory and ends at running rehearsal in Savilahti.

In theory part you will get the basic information about starting to run and things that are important during the run. At the rehearsal we will check our running position and search for the right technique.

The school is open and free for all students and staff members of UEF and Savonia. Other than people with a SYKETTÄ sticker will enroll via email: saara.hanhela@savonia.fi

WHEN? MON 20.4.2015 at 16.00-17.30
WHERE? At Savilahti
FOR WHOM? To every student and staff members in the University of Eastern Finland and the Savonia University of Applied Sciences

Enrollments: https://sykettä.fi/kuopio/sport-event/?id=14281

3) Please give us feedback

We would like to hear what keeps you moving and how do you feel about SYKETTÄ sport services.
Please, give us feedback via this link: https://sykettä.fi/kuopio/what-gets-you-moving/

SYKETTÄ remind

Please cancel your enrollments for group classes and courses if you cannot come.
Foreknowledge: in Autumn 2015 we will collect a fee from those users who have enrolled to group classes, but hasn’t arrived and hasn’t cancelled the enrollment.

Now it’s a good possibility to take it over!
