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Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu in English @Liikuntailtapäivä


Paikka Urheilutalon tatamit I-II (Koskikatu 12, 80100 Joensuu)
Ajankohta 13.2.2024 klo 14:15 - 15:15
Tyyppi Muu varaus
Osallistujia 1 / 8
Lisätietoja HUOM! klo 14:15-15:15 tunti ohjataan englanniksi, ohjattu tunti suomeksi klo 13-14

Welcome to Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu weapon’s class!

Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu is a Japanese martial art, which roots are in nine old Japanese martial arts schools. In Bujinkan we practice unarmed combat and also how to use a variety of different traditional Japanese weapons. More information about Bujinkan and our Dojo’s activities you can find from our website and

Bujinkan is suitable for people in different shapes and sizes and you don’t need previous experience from other martial arts.

In this sports afternoon practice you’ll get to try how to handle a wooden sword called bokken. We have wooden weapons and also soft weapons. You can get the training equipment from the club for the duration of the training.

Wear clothes you feel comfortable to exercise on. Also bring a drinking bottle. We will practice with our socks on, so you don’t need indoor shoes with you!

Anything in your mind? Send us an email at

Time: Tue 13.2. at 14:15-15:15 (max. 8 participants) Enrollment via SYKETTÄ sports calendar

Location: Urheilutalo, Koskikatu 12, 80100 Joensuu. 2nd floor tatami 1. Entrance to the tatamis are from the side door at Siltakatu side. We’re at the doors to guide you!


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