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Infoletter 2/2016: February is full of rugby and new courses + offers!

3.2.2016 klo 18:05

SYKETTÄ – News in February Is it February already?! We have great events coming up: Winterfest and sports afternoon. You can also enroll to SELL Student Games! In this infoletter we will also introduce you to the SYKETTÄ sport of the month, rugby, and remind you of how to use our sport facilities.   In this […]

This month’s SYKETTÄ sport is rugby, unique contact ballgame for gentlemen and ladies

1.2.2016 klo 15:27

There is something special about rugby In February the SYKETTÄ sport of the month is traditional contact sport rugby. In Kuopio Kuopio Rugby Club has teams for both men and women. It is a suitable game for all, no matter...

Infoletter 1/2016: Free sport weeks, sport courses and other burning news!

13.1.2016 klo 16:41

SYKETTÄ - News in January It's new year and we are back! When do we have the free sport weeks and what sports courses are available in the spring? What is SYKETTÄ-forum and how can I attend it? These and all the other impor...

Free SYKETTÄ sport weeks 11.1.-24.1. – This is how it works.

7.1.2016 klo 21:07

Have a happy and active year 2016! You are welcome to join us for free SYKETTÄ sport weeks 11.1.-24.1.! SYKETTÄ sport services has left the year 2015 and is excited to face the 2016! The goal is an active, well-bei...

Infoletter 12/2015: New sports calendar, Christmas Carneval and opening hours for the rest of the year

10.12.2015 klo 18:18

SYKETTÄ – Burning news in December The year is coming to its end and SYKETTÄ is keeping a short Christmas break. We have been working hard to get a new sports calendar published. Now it is under your eyes and we wish...
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