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SYKETTÄ Christmas Carneval

7.12.2015 klo 18:04

SYKETTÄ Christmas Carneval – Ending the season on 14.12.2015 WHAT? Come to end your year with style on SYKETTÄ Christmas Carneval! We offer you tasty classes from our spring calendar FOR FREE – and you don’t even need a SYKETTÄ-sticker! WHEN? On Monday 14.12.2015 between 15.30 and 20.00. Come join us for a half an hour or for […]

Infoletter 11/2015: Feedback, renovation, schedules and yoga!

24.11.2015 klo 18:31

SYKETTÄ – burning news in November 1 – Give us feedback from SYKETTÄ-services 2 – Studentia dressing rooms are being under renovation between 23.11. and 31.12. 3 – Timetable for the end of this year and spor...

SYKETTÄ: Timetable for the end of this year and sports calendar for Spring 2016

23.11.2015 klo 22:44

Timetable for the end of the year in SYKETTÄ sport services Opistotie sports hall - Opening hours 22.12.2015 – 6.1.2016 – Closed Until 21.12.2015 all open ball sports and regular set shifts are kept normal...

SYKETTÄ sport courses and new classes

30.10.2015 klo 09:34

SYKETTÄ-sport services has a good drive going on! We have a new record of sold SYKETTÄ stickers in this autumn! (2450 stickers in 28.10.) You are also very active concerning group classes and courses - thank you for that. There...

SYKETTÄ – Infoletter 10/2015

22.10.2015 klo 08:57

SYKETTÄ topical themes in October: 1 – Situation about electronic keys on 21st of October 2 – Exceptional schedule changes in October and November 3 – Changes in Sports calendar aftern Autumn break + Extra classes in th...
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