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SYKETTÄ Infoletter 09/2015

22.9.2015 klo 16:40

Greetings from SYKETTÄ sport services! The new semester has been kicked off with festivities, so it’s time to get back to business at the SYKETTÄ services, too. For starters, here’s what’s new – or old but important: The fall has started off pretty brilliantly, and many of our co-operations’ classes have been very popular. We […]

Sports Afternoon 6.10. between 12pm and 4pm

17.9.2015 klo 12:00

In Kuopio we offer you outdoor activities and events around the city Sports afternoon gives energy for students and staff members of UEF and Savonia Student and staff members of University of Eastern Finlands and ...

SYKETTÄ sports services launches fall’s program – Come join us!

10.9.2015 klo 09:14

Dear users of SYKETTÄ sport services, This fall SYKETTÄ offers an incredibly wide range of old favourites and new sorts of sport activities. Whether you’re already a devoted user of SYKETTÄ sport services or not so much of...

SYKETTÄ presents: Free sports weeks 31.8.–13.9.2015

24.8.2015 klo 11:17

SYKETTÄ provides sport services for students and staff members of Savonia University of Applied Sciences and University of Eastern Finland. SYKETTÄ celebrates the beginning of a new academic school year by welcoming all s...

Come and join us to make SYKETTÄ

13.8.2015 klo 15:17

SYKETTÄ Wants You! SYKETTÄ provides sport services for universities in Eastern Finland, and coming semester we are on a roll! We're currently looking for students and staff members with an enthusiasm for sports who woul...
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