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Hi new student! Congratulations on your acceptance to University and welcome to use SYKETTÄ Kuopio services!

22.6.2022 klo 11:17

What is SYKETTÄ? SYKETTÄ includes sport services for the students and staff members in Savonia University of Applied Sciences and University of Eastern Finland as well as students of HUMAK and Uniarts in Kuopio. At the core of our services is a diverse sports calendar which features more than 50 weekly instructed sports classes, 25 […]

SYKETTÄ Autumn 2022 – Give us your opinion about the services!

9.5.2022 klo 13:33

Do you have any wishes for SYKETTÄ sports services for Autumn season 2022? Is there any favourite group class you would like to have in SYKETTÄ sports calendar? Tell us your wishes for example about group classes, ball sports, ...

Fitness tests on 23th of May in Väinölänniemi

9.5.2022 klo 12:09

SYKETTÄ Kuopio offers a chance for all members of the university community in Kuopio to take part in a fitness test! You can choose between a Cooper test (12 minutes of non-stop running) or UKK-institute 6 minutes walk te...

SYKETTÄ in summer 2022

4.5.2022 klo 12:38

Instructed group classes 16.5.–19.6. and 15.–28.8. During the summer we will enjoy the sun and fresh air – the summer classes take place outside Studentia and in the slopes of Puijo. The ballsports sticker is now als...

Participate in the survey about doing sports and effects of the Covid pandemic

19.4.2022 klo 10:14

Covid-19 pandemic has affected our lives in many ways. In this survey we would like to know if there has been any changes in the way you want to exercise and participate in hobbies. The answers are used to develop SYKETTÄ un...
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