Ball sports
Open shifts
Open shifts include various ball game slots and martial arts classes, with open levels (unless otherwise specified in the class description). The main thing is to have an interest in the sport and a passion for playing!
On weekdays, open sports shifts are available to those with a SYKETTÄ sticker at the Studentia sports hall and Kuopio city’s sports and event center, Luola. All participants must have a valid SYKETTÄ exercise sticker.
Open shifts at the Studentia sports hall begin on January 2, 2025, and at Luola on January 7, 2025.
- At Studentia, you can find floorball sticks and balls, volleyballs, futsal balls, basketballs, and game vests.
- Badminton rackets can be borrowed from the janitors or the ISYY office. Note: Due to the limited number of badminton rackets, we recommend bringing your own to the class.
- At Luola, participants must bring their own rackets and balls.
IMPORTANT! Remember to register for each open sports shift through the sports calendar on our webpage. We monitor usage based on the registered participants.
Weekly regular shifts
Regular shifts are weekly set shifts for student and/or staff groups, who want to do sports together. Regular shifts are closed groups, and you cannot join them if you do not belong to the group.
Free shifts
In Studentia you can find shifts marked as “free shift”. You can book a free shift and go do any sport you like by yourself or wth friends. You get one court (1, 2 or 3) of the sports hall in your use. Everyone must have a valid SYKETTÄ sticker.
Look for more information about different shifts from the sports calendar. By clicking the class name you can see the class description.
Enroll for all the classes via the sports calendar!