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Sport event

Stair workout


Place Outdoor sports area (Ei määritelty, Ei määritelty Ei määritelty)
Date and time 22.5.2024 at 16:30 - 17:30
Type Effective / pulse
Instructor Milka Kuhmonen
Participants 6 / 10
More information This class takes place in Puijo stairs and the surrounding area! Meeting point: at the bottom of the Puijo stairs.
If the Puijo stairs are not in use, we will inform you in advance where the class will be held.

Puijo workout is varied workout with warm up and aerobic and muscle tone training. Workout utilises the Puijo stairs for effective workout.

If it rains, the workout takes place in the covered outdoor gym near the stairs (let's meet near the stais anyway, the instructor will show you the way).


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You can cancel enrollment no later than 4 hours before the event.

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