Floorball night tournament 25.-26.4. in Studentia
Kirjoitettu: 7.4.2022 16:39
Eri Reipas Wabbu is back!
The start of Eri Reipas Wapuu will be held as a Floorball Night Tournament in Studentia on the 25th-26th of April 10pm-03am. The tournament is open to students of the University of Eastern Finland and Savonia UAS.
The tournament will feature the Chill and Serious Business series, which will be played on three different fields in the Studentia Hall (fields divided by curtains). The games last 15 min and the finals are 2 x 10 min. There is room for 4 teams/series/college and one team can accommodate 10 people. In the Chill series, the teams are mixed teams and in the true case series, the line-up is free. During the games, the field must have 4 team members + the goalkeeper.

Registration is open in between 6th-20th of April in Kide.app (link is below). The participation fee is 10€/team. The team leader registrates the entire team at once and pays the participation fee. In addition, it is possible to register for a mixed team in the Chill series if, for one reason or another, there is no own team. The participation fee for the mixed team is 1€. Teams will be offered snacks and drinks during the tournament. Note! The tournament is a non-alcoholic event.
Link to Kide.app: https://kide.app/events/a2b3274e-fac1-4eda-b0c2-a1367cc498aa
The three best teams in both series will be awarded. The 1st place prize will be the 100€ gift card to PeeÄssä, the 2nd place prize will be the May Day Snack Package and the SYKETTÄ overalls badges and the 3rd place prize will be the SYKETTÄ tube scarves and the BRIDGES project’s overalls badges.
The event is organized in co-operation with the University of Eastern Finland Student Union ISYY’s BRIDGES project, Kuopio’s SYKETTÄ sports services and Savonia University of Applied Sciences’ student union SAVOTTA.
For more information about the event, please contact:
Sirpa Risto, SYKETTÄ Kuopio, liikuntasuunnittelija.kuopio@isyy.fi