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SYKETTÄ in summer 2022

4.5.2022 klo 12:38

Instructed group classes 16.5.–19.6. and 15.–28.8. During the summer we will enjoy the sun and fresh air – the summer classes take place outside Studentia and in the slopes of Puijo. The ballsports sticker is now also a group class sticker – you can join the summer classes with either of the stickers! Monday: kettlebell […]

Participate in the survey about doing sports and effects of the Covid pandemic

19.4.2022 klo 10:14

Covid-19 pandemic has affected our lives in many ways. In this survey we would like to know if there has been any changes in the way you want to exercise and participate in hobbies. The answers are used to develop SYKETTÄ un...

Students’ Mental health day 13.4.

12.4.2022 klo 10:39

You are welcome to join our classes for free on Wed 13.4., which is Students' Mental health day! Exercising does good: it relaxes, lifts your spirit and offers a break from your studies. Students’ Mental Health Day is...

Opening hours for Easter

11.4.2022 klo 10:31

There will be some changes in the opening hours for Easter holiday. Instructed group classes are on a break from 14th of April to 19th of April. The classes will continue as normal starting from 20th of April. Check here ...

Floorball night tournament 25.-26.4. in Studentia

7.4.2022 klo 16:39

Eri Reipas Wabbu is back! The start of Eri Reipas Wapuu will be held as a Floorball Night Tournament in Studentia on the 25th-26th of April 10pm-03am. The tournament is open to students of the University of Eastern Finland ...
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