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Represent your university in SELL Student games in Estonia!

Kirjoitettu: 26.2.2018 11:00

SELL Student Games 2018 TARTU (Estonia) 18.-20.5.2018

SELL Student Games is annual multisport event for the university and college students. This year 2018 the event will be held in Tartu, Estonia. The principles of the games are that everyone can participate and therefore the event combines top sports and joyful student event. The name of the games is according to the first letters of the hosting countries – Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – in their respective languages (Finnish: Suomi, Estonian: Eesti, Latvian: Latvija, Lithuanian: Lietuva).

– Sports include for example baskeball, volleyball, floorball, wrestling, chess etc.
– Athletes represent their own universities
– No age limit
– In team sports every player must come from the same university

Entry fees

Registration before 18 April 2018
SELL countries – 30€ / person / day
non SELL countries – 40€ / person / day

Registration after 18 April 2018
SELL countries – 40€ / person / day
non SELL countries – 50€ / person / day

The entry fee includes:
– participation in competitions
– catering three times a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
– entrance to all competitions, cultural activities and ceremonies

The entry fee does NOT include accommodation and travel expenses.

For more information about the event go to: www.sellgames2018.com


– Contact person for The University of The Eastern Finlands (UEF) Team is Niklas Leinonen from The Student Union of The University of The Eastern Finland – ISYY, niklas.leinone@isyy.fi
– Contact person for Savonia University of Applied Sciences (SAVONIA) is Niklas Baarman, varapuheenjohtaja@opiskelijakuntasavotta.fi

You can contact them in case you will participate SELL Student Games 2018 or if you have a question not answered in this letter or www.sellgames2018.com
