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Sport event

Badminton - 3 fields


Place Opistotie (Opistotie 2, 70200 Kuopio)
Date and time 6.4.2015 at 16:00 - 16:55
Participants 1 / 3
More information Open shift for badminton. There is sections 1 to 3 in use for the turn.

WHEN YOU ENROLL FOR THE TURN, YOU BOOK ONE OF THE BADMINTON FIELDS IN YOUR USE ONLY. If there are many fields in use, the person who arrives first, may choose in which field to play.

The person, who enrolls for the turn, is in charge of one field and he/she will ask for a friend to play with. Everyone who comes for the turn, will have to had paid at least for the ball sports package (15 €/ spring 2015).


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You can cancel enrollment no later than 2 hours before the event.

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