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Sport event

Heat Stretching - come and try (5e)


Place Element Studio (Maaherrankatu 21, 70100 Kuopio)
Date and time 27.1.2015 at 16:00 - 17:00
Type Get to know
Leader Emilia Kujala
Participants 1 / 9
More information PLACE: Element Studio, harmonia room (Shopping Center Minna, 3rd floor).

Heat Stretching gives you more mobility to your training. Infrared heats your deep tissues and your body elasticity is getting better. Training in warm room make you feel relaxed and helps you to focus to your own body. Infrared helps those who have tight muscles.

Be on time or little bit earlier at Element Studio, please show your SYKETTÄ sticker at the infodesk. Take a big towel and waterbottle with you. It\\\\\\\'s good to drink water before the classes begins. Infrared makes you body easily dehydration.

More information: riikka.valve@elementstudio.fi


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