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Sport event

Beach Volley


Place Outdoor sports area (Ei määritelty, Ei määritelty Ei määritelty)
Date and time 6.7.2017 at 17:00 - 18:30
Type Open ballsports
Leader Elina Tanninen
Participants 0 / 10
More information It's Summer and warm sand feels lovely. Come and try Beach Volley with other SYKETTÄ players.
When? Every Thursday on 17.00 ->
Where? Behind the Niirala Swimming Hall (Hannes Kolehmaisenkatu 3, 70110 Kuopio)
Look at the calender before you come, because if the weather is very bad then we don't play and remember to enroll.


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You can cancel enrollment no later than 2 hours before the event.

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