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Sport event

Bubble Football - GET TO KNOW CLASS/SYKETTÄ Appro


Place Opistotie (Opistotie 2, 70200 Kuopio)
Date and time 17.9.2017 at 14:00 - 15:00
Type Get to know
Instructor Sirpa Risto
Participants 40 / 40
More information Come and try Bubble Football, in Finnish known as "Kuplafutis".

Kuplafutis (or Bubble Football) is a playful form of football, where the players wear a plastic bubble. There are hardly any rules in Kuplafutis, as long as you have fun and play fairly!

The bubbles endure the fiercest tackles so you can make the most out of tackling your nastiest classmates! Playing bubble football is safe, suitable for all kinds of players, and most of all, great entertainment for student groups. Kuplafutis can be arranged outside or inside (for example in a sports hall).


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