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Sport event

SPORT AFTERNOON: Riding at Savisaari


Place Outdoor sports area (Ei määritelty, Ei määritelty Ei määritelty)
Date and time 13.2.2018 at 13:00 - 14:00
Type Event
Participants 7 / 7
More information Riding – Savisaari Riding Center

13.00 – 14.00 Riding those who have done it before.
45 min riding + taking off the saddle 20 min.

Price: 20euros/participants, max 7 participants/group.
Enroll and payment: Until 9.2.2018. The fee must be paid to the account number FI55 1078 3000 220219 (Savisaaren ratsastuskoulu)
No Riding if there is more than - 20 degree! If you have already paid the riding, you can arrange a new time for you directly with the riding center.


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You can cancel enrollment no later than 120 hours before the event.

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