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Sport event

Appro extra class: LesMills BodyCombat 45`


Place Studio Tempo (Puijonkatu 27, 70100 Kuopio)
Date and time 11.1.2023 at 16:00 - 16:45
Type Effective / pulse
Instructor Tempo Liikunta- ja fysiostudio
Participants 9 / 12
More information Studio Tempo is wellness center for women, but all SYKETTÄ group exercise users are welcome to the classes!

Step into a BODYCOMBAT workout and you’ll punch and kick your way to fitness, burning up to 740 calories* along the way. This high-energy martial-arts inspired workout is totally non-contact and there are no complex moves to master. A LES MILLS™ instructor will challenge you to up the intensity and motivate you to make the most of every round. You’ll release stress, have a blast and feel like a champ.

Cancel your enrollment at least 4 hours prior to the start of the session. Enrolling for the morning classes that start before 10 a.m. must be cancelled at latest 12 hours prior.

Please remember that you are exercising at your own risk. Please follow all the safety recommendations and regulations given.


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You can cancel enrollment no later than 4 hours before the event.

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