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Sport event

GET TO KNOW: Scuba diving


Place Kuntolaakso Swimming Hall (Hannes Kolehmaisen katu 4, 70110 KUOPIO)
Date and time 26.9.2023 at 18:00 - 22:00
Type Get to know
Participants 9 / 10
More information WHAT? Let Kuopion urheilusukeltajat teach you the basics of scuba diving and try exploring the underwater at the Niirala swimming pool!

WHERE? Kuntolaakso Swimming pool, Hannes Kolehmaisen katu 3

WHEN? Tuesday 26.9. 18.00-22.00 o'clock

GROUP SIZE? 10 persons.

FEE? 35 euros, which is paid with cash or card at the pool

EQUIPMENT? Just swim suit and a towel. You can stay and use sauna after the class.

ENROLLING? Only with SYKETTÄ sticker, via the sports calendar's event. Enroll on Monday 25.9. at latest! You can cancel your enrollment at that date (one week before the event) at latest. After 24.9. the enrollment is binding and you are obliged to pay the course fee!


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You can cancel enrollment no later than 24 hours before the event.

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