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Sports services are now open

Kirjoitettu: 18.8.2021 16:31

We have amazing news for you: sport services are now open again with the decision of the universities of Eastern Finland.

Studentia and Snellmania are freely in your use during the opening hours starting from today.

Please get to know the brand new sports calendar for autumn 2021! I hope you are as excited as we are! Group classes start on 30.8.

We have also new gym shifts for you – on Wednesdays and Sundays you can enroll for gym shift and go to train to Kuofit or Kunnonsali! Please see the shifts in our weekly calendar to get more details.

It is really important to follow all the instructions for safe exercising. Stay home if you are ill, wash your hands and keep a safe distance whenever possible. Also enroll for every turn you come to! See all the instructions here.

All the sport services are available with a SYKETTÄ sticker for autumn -21 or for academic year 21-22! Go to the web shop right now 🙂
