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SYKETTÄ and BowlD1ner present: student bowling competition

Kirjoitettu: 3.12.2018 14:41

SYKETTÄ Christmas bowling competition 1.-12.12.

WHAT? SYKETTÄ and bowling center BowlD1ner arrange a fun bowling competition for SYKETTÄ-users at the beginning of December. You can go to bowl in Bowld1ner any time you want, just tell at the service desk you want to join SYKETTÄ christmas bowling competition. You can bowl alone, with a friend or with a bigger team and as many times as you want during the competition time. You join the competition with your personal record.

WHERE? Bowl D1ner, Ajurinkatu 16, Viihdekeskus Minna

WHEN? Competition time 1. -12.12.-2018, during Bowl D1ner opening hours

HOW? Pay the bowling normally and tell that you want to join the SYKETTÄ Christmas bowling competition. Show your SYKETTÄ-sticker at the info desk. You will get a scorecard. Please write down your own scores to that paper. Return your scorecard to the info desk after bowling.

COST? The affordable bowling fees of Bowl D1ner:
– Mon-Thu between 11.00 and 21.00, Fri-Sat11.00 -16.00 5€/person, includes bowling shoes.
Fri-Sat 16.00-23.00 10€/person, inc. bowling shoes
Book your bowling lane from here https://secure.meriq.com/bowld1ner/ (site also available in english)

1. 25€ BowlD1ner gift card
2. – 5. BowlD1ner Bowling gift card
6. Two tickets to Tahkofest Mexican sits at 1.2.2019
7. One SYKETTÄ group class sticker for Spring 2019
8. Kunnonsali gift card 10 x training
9. Kunnonsali gift card 2 x week training pass
10. Two tickets to Finnkino

See Facebook-event
