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TUNTIMUUTOS: Toiminnallinen kehonhuolto


Paikka Kunnonsali, Kuopio (Ajurinkatu 16, 70110 Kuopio)
Ajankohta 9.3.2024 klo 12:05 - 13:00
Tyyppi Kevyt / huoltava
Ohjaaja Henna Toppinen
Osallistujia 12 / 30
Lisätietoja 8.3. Tässä ohjataan toiminnallinen kehonhuolto, ohjaajana Henna Toppinen.

Everybody heard about it but no one really knows how it functions. Did you know that Yoga is the oldest form of Fascial Fitness training? Actually it is also very effective against Cellulite.

Our fascies are very complex and we need them for strength performance, shaping, mobility and for forwarding stimuli. This means also the training has to be structured diverse. We are working with four Base elements which are Mobility, body awarenesss, catapult effect and the self-myofascial-release.

I’m inviting you to a creative and individual course to take some time for yourself. Everybody is warmly welcome to join! Also if you have your own Foam roal feel free to bring it or just a hard bottle will be great.


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