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Sport event



Place Opistotie (Opistotie 2, 70200 Kuopio)
Date and time 8.2.2017 at 18:00 - 18:55
Leader Heidi Kinnunen
Participants 8 / 25
More information In this mobility class we focus on sustaining and increasing mobility. Instead of basic stretching, we use dynamic stretching and self mobilisation techniques to increase functional mobility. This improved can convert to your daily life and it might be seen in more comfy squat position, better posture, better feeling of the muscle in your workouts…

Mobility insn’t a pic for your rest day, as it goes for a light workout. Most movements we do with our own bodyweight, but sometimes we use equipment like sticks and therapeutic balls. In this class we also practise our deep stability muscles, especially core and scapula control. You also get plenty of new ideas for your own mobility workouts and warm ups!


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