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Sport event

Hot yoga


Date and time 31.10.2017 at 15:30 - 17:00
Type Effective / pulse
Instructor Hot Yoga Kuopio
Participants 15 / 15
More information IMPORTANT!

2 - Please do not join the class without proper preparation and hydrating during the day. If you are not prepared to the class, training in the hot room can feel very uncomfortable.
3 - Read the class description carefully.

We practice Bikram Yoga, a form of Hatha Yoga based on the Bishnu Ghosh tradition. The lesson is structured from 26 postures and two breathing exercises. It improves strength, stamina, flexibility, balance and concentration. Practice takes place in a heated room and the lesson is 90 minutes. The teacher is SYKETTÄ-instructor Jenni Löppönen.

Arrive 15 minutes early for your lesson. Come to the lesson with an empty stomach and be well hydrated. Stop eating at least two hours before the lesson. Hydrate your body throughout the day. It's better to drink small amounts of water throughout the day rather than drink a large amount of water just before the lesson. After the lesson it's good to drink some green juice and enjoy a light meal. Inform a yoga teacher before the class if you are pregnant of if you have an injury or illness. There needs to be 6 months after the surgery before you can start practice.

The yoga room is a quiet space. Take other practitioners into account when you move around the room. Please move silently and respectfully. The lesson begins and ends with Savasana which is relaxing on your back: lie down, feet facing towards the wall bars, relax and concentrate on your breathing. The teacher will tell you what to do during the lesson. The lesson might feel physically or mentally challenging. This is normal. If you feel overwhelmed, it’s important to stay in the yoga room, sit down and concentrate on calm breathing. Allow yourself time to get used to a new form of practicing.

Wear something comfortable to sweat it. Sport tops, shorts, leotards and swim trunks are a good choice. Practicing in your underwear is inappropriate. Avoid loose clothing as well as materials and colors which become transparent when wet. Leave elbows and knees visible.

Bring your own yoga mat and two towels (one for practicing, one for shower) or you can also rent or buy a mat and towels from the school. A good yoga mat has a sticky, non-slip surface so it's not possible to use a camping mat for the lesson. The practicing towel needs to be a large enough to cover the yoga mat. You cannot practice without a proper gear.


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