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Sport event

SPORT AFTERNOON: Bachata dance class


Place Dancepartner Dace school (Ajurinkatu 16, 70100 Kuopio)
Date and time 13.2.2018 at 13:00 - 14:00
Type Event
Participants 7 / 30
More information Bachata – enjoyable, natural, easygoing dance style. Some characteristics of bachata are natural body position and movements, and relaxed but rhythmic music, which enables one to have fun dancing basic steps with a partner as well as alone. This style is enjoyable from the beginning. Although bachata is suitable for beginners, it also offers the possibility for more challenging moves for those who are willing to give it a go and put in the extra effort. You may find our dance demo here: https://youtu.be/V08IHgWpXAI.

During the class we will teach the basic principles of the couple dance technique and a few most common bachata dance patterns. The main point is to enjoy moving one’s body to the good music. Approximately half of a class is solo dancing and another half couple dancing. You will not need your own partner because we change partners. However, if you want to dance with your own partner only, it is possible as well.

We recommend you wear clothes you prefer and find easy and comfortable to move in, such as stretchy jeans/college pants, top/t-shirt, thin extra shirt (classroom is air conditioned) and dancing shoes/dance slippers/socks.

Place: Shopping center IsoCee 1st floor (ground floor), Kuopion Taideopisto’s dance studio (Ajurinkatu 16, Kuopio). You may find videoguiding to the dance venue here http://dancepartner.fi/viikkotunnit/

Teachers: Petri Sipola and Elina Vartianen.

Teaching can be given in English if needed.


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