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Virtual cycling in USA’s national landscape

Kirjoitettu: 17.2.2015 09:32

SYKETTÄ virtual indoor-cyckling gives good fitness and a refreshing experience. This time the attractions were Maine, Casco Bay, Chicago, Rural Vermont, Los Angeles Hollywood Hills and national parks – Dakota National Park, Zion National Park, Grand Canyon National Park Arizona and Arizona Sunset Crater.

In the middle of the exercise, participants panted and sweated, panting and sweating continued to the end.  At the end legs tingled. I was physically tired but after the exercise, I remembered the spot names where we cycled. Brain activity refreshed therefore. It was a great experience and beautiful scenery, I enjoyed a lot.

At the beginning of the exercise, I adjusted the bike saddle and handlebar to be fitted for height and range. The video, that is presented in English, gives instructions how to tune the cycle rounds per minute, resistance, cycling style and heartbeat.

It was nice to notice the a runner jogged towards us in Chicago. I’m interested in endurance running. Virtual indoor-cycling is a very good interval, strength and endurance exercise for a runner, that does not strain joints and strings like running does.

Welcome to SYKETTÄ indoor cycling lessons!
